AFPU Diffusion

Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Tyras and Vicinity

This book is the first volume of a new full corpus of Greek and Latin inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea region. It includes all known lapidary inscriptions from the region between the mouth of the Danube and the mouth of the Dniester, where the Greek cities of Tyras and Nikonion were located. The corpus includes 121 inscriptions (the previous corpus published over hundred years ago, counts 19 for this region), many of which are published for the first time. The publication is based on the study of the originals in the museums. The corpus is fully illustrated by photographs of each inscription or, if neither the stone nor its photographs have survived, by the best reproductions that can be found.

Éditeur : Ausonius éditions
1ére édition
Collection : Inscriptions of the northern black sea
Thème : Histoire - géographie - archéologie
Auteur(s) : Ivantchik Askold
Langue :
140 illustration(s) N&B

Sortie prévue le 11/11/2021

Prix TTC : 30,00€
EAN : 9782356134240
ISBN : 978-2-35613-424-0

Dimensions : 216x286 mm.
Nombre de pages : 228

CLIL : 3385 Antiquité