AFPU Diffusion

Balat XII

The Sheikh Muftah site at Balat North

The Sheikh Muftah site at Balat in the Dakhla Oasis in the Western Desert offers unique insights into the daily-life routine in a residential camp during the 3rd millennium BC. Its investigations revealed for the first time a well preserved stratigraphic sequence and dwelling features for the Sheikh Muftah group. These features together with the findings contribute to the discussion of subsistence and lifestyle of a non-sedentary group. Dating back to a period when the Egyptian Pharaonic was significantly increasing, the research also answers to some questions about transcultural contacts and changes in the oasis.

Éditeur : Institut français d’archéologie orientale
1ére édition
Collection : FIFAO
Thème : Histoire - géographie - archéologie
Auteur(s) : Jeuthe Clara
Langue :
31 illustration(s) N&B
113 illustration(s) couleur

Sortie prévue le 06/05/2021

Prix TTC : 49,00€
EAN : 9782724707687
ISBN : 978-2-72470-768-7

Dimensions : 240x320 mm.
Nombre de pages : 272

CLIL : 3385 Antiquité