Unveiling the Green Knight
From the earliest verses of the medieval legend to its most recent cinematic adaptation by David Lowery in 2021, this volume presents a panorama of contemporary research perspectives on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
Depuis les premiers vers de la légende médiévale jusqu’à sa plus récente adaptation cinématographique par David Lowery en 2021, ce volume présente un panorama des perspectives de recherche contemporaines sur Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
Éditeur : Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre
1ére édition
Collection : Intercalaires : Agrégation d'anglais
Thème : Lettres - linguistique
Sous la direction de : Fruoco Jonathan
Langue :
Sortie prévue le 01/07/2024
Prix TTC : 14,00€
EAN : 9782840165460
Dimensions : 169 x 229 mm.
Nombre de pages : 250
From the earliest verses of the medieval legend to its most recent cinematic adaptation by David Lowery in 2021, this volume presents a panorama of contemporary research perspectives on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
Depuis les premiers vers de la légende médiévale jusqu’à sa plus récente adaptation cinématographique par David Lowery en 2021, ce volume présente un panorama des perspectives de recherche contemporaines sur Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
Such distinctions are further troubled in David Lowery’s film adaptation, The Green Knight, which offers a contemporary and highly stylized vision of the themes in the medieval poem. This volume explores the myriad facets of the Gawain legend through a comparative analysis of the poem and the film. Authors examine these works’ themes, motifs, and narrative techniques, while shedding light on their historical and cultural resonances. Raising issues such as self-discovery, gender politics, the relationship to nature, and questions of morality and ethics, this volume of essays provides new perspectives on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’s continuing relevance across the centuries.